Pocket Lab App (PoLA)

Simple application with AI assistance for smartphone-guided experiments


Use your natural language to set up a study


Free and open-source, GNU GPL 3.0


No registration, configuration, or servers


Minimal, clear scripting, manually or via AI


Instructions, surveys, and timers


Validated in academic field experiments


Enjoyable and stimulating interactions with the AI assistant


The Pocket Lab App (PoLA) is an open-source app for Android that supports mobile research by offering tools for conducting experiments outside traditional labs. It helps manage experiments, collect data, and provide instructions on a laboratory-owned smartphone.

PoLA is paired with HeLA (Helpful AI Assistant), an AI tool which help create and adjust experimental protocols using natural language. This system simplifies, accelerates, and infuses with creativity the preparation of research.

Together, PoLA and HeLA revolutionize the interaction with research software, making it more intuitive, efficient, and imaginatively productive through the power of Large Language Models.

Developing Protocols with HeLA

Accessing HeLA

To begin using HeLA for creating or revising PoLA protocols, access the tool through the GPTs link above or copying this prompt to any LLM.

Providing Instructions

Detail your study's needs and requirements in natural language. HeLA will analyze your input and generate a protocol that is compatible with PoLA's functionalities.

Reviewing and Modifying

Examine the generated protocol and make necessary adjustments to align it with your study's specific needs, ensuring it accurately reflects your experiment's design.

Implementing the Protocol

Once the protocol meets your requirements, you can integrate it with PoLA to guide your experiment's execution and data collection.

Conducting Experiments with PoLA

Downloading and Installing PoLA

Visit the official PoLA website to download the .apk file. Follow the instructions to install PoLA on your Android device, adjusting your settings to allow installation from unknown sources if necessary.

Getting Acquainted with PoLA

Launch PoLA and explore its functionalities by running demo and tutorial protocols. This will help you understand how to effectively use the app for your experiments.

Creating Your Protocol

Develop a protocol using HeLA or manually create one using a text editor. Save it as a .txt file, ensuring it follows the proper sequence of instructions for PoLA.

Uploading Your Protocol to PoLA

Transfer the protocol file from your computer to your Android device. In PoLA, select 'Load Protocol' and choose the file to be executed during the experiment.

Executing the Experiment

Initiate the protocol in PoLA, allowing the app to guide the experiment's participants through the procedures and collect the necessary data.


AI assistance during development

PoLA leverages Large Language Models to streamline research development, not only saving time and effort but also unlocking surprising levels of creativity.

Free and Open-source

PoLA is available at no cost, making it accessible to all researchers.


Designed for ease of use, PoLA ensures a minimal learning curve for new users. AI-powered support helps users understand how PoLA works and how it can be best utilized.

Operates Offline

Functions without an internet connection, reducing reliance on stable network availability and increasing the possibilities for field research. No registration necessary.

Data stored locally

Enhances data security by storing participants' responses directly on the device, mitigating risks related to data breaches.

Supports a variety of response types

Capable of collecting a diverse range of participant responses, from simple scales to open-ended inputs.

Quick and easy setup

Simplified installation and configuration process, allowing for faster deployment in projects.

Case study validated

Demonstrated effectiveness and participant satisfaction in a real-world research project.